Category: party

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South Korean Politician Quits Party Over Crypto Scandal

A member of the South Korean parliament is leaving his party amid mounting allegations of massive crypto investments inconsistent with his frugal public image. The controversy, which has caught the attention of the Korean society, involves accusations of conflict of interest and other irregularities. Lawmaker Leaves South Korean Opposition Party Over Crypto Holdings Kim Nam-kuk,…
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South Korean Government Calls for Voluntary Regulations From Crypto Industry

The executive power and the ruling party in South Korea have urged the cryptocurrency industry for what officials describe as voluntary regulatory measures, a Korean media report revealed. The call was issued during a consultative meeting devoted to crypto assets. Government Asks South Korean Crypto Sector for Regulatory Proposals Representatives of the South Korean government…
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Presidential Candidate in South Korea to Raise Funds in Cryptocurrency, Issue NFTs  

Lee Jae-myung, nominated by the ruling party in South Korea for the upcoming presidential elections this spring, is preparing to raise funds in cryptocurrencies and issue non-fungible tokens for supporters. His campaign hopes that the initiative will woo young and tech-savvy Korean voters whose interest in digital assets is growing. Ruling Party of South Korea…
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Russian Nationalists Prepare Bill to Regulate Cryptocurrency Mining

Lawmakers from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia are gearing up to introduce a draft law designed to regulate crypto mining. The nationalists say the legislation will benefit both Russian citizens and the state, as well as those who want to get involved in the business legally. Nationalists Propose Regulations for Russian Crypto Miners The…
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